Allergies: How To Avoid Them
What is an allergy?
An allergy is a catch-all word for a wide variety of reactions to substances that the body determines to be foreign. Anything that it does not recognize as itself can be considered an allergen. When the body encounters a foreign substance, it reacts by making antibodies or releasing certain chemicals called histamines. When histamines and other substances are released into the system, they cause an inflammatory reaction we call an allergy.

What are the symptoms?
The inflammatory reaction affects the tissue and organs, mainly the skin, mucous membranes, lungs and gastrointestinal tract.

Symptoms commonly produced include itching and watery eyes, runny and congested nose and sinuses, sneezing, respiratory symptoms, headache, skin reactions and rapid heart beat. Other symptoms may include fatigue, intestinal gas or pain, abdominal bloating and mood changes.

What to eat to eliminate some allergies

* Lots of water
* Fruit juices, except citrus
* All vegetables except corn & tomatoes
* Brown or white rice
* Turkey
* White Fish: halibut, sole, swordfish (no shellfish)
* Almonds, walnuts or sunflower seeds

Nutritional help for allergies

* Vitamin C and bioflavonoids, Vitamins A & E, and Zinc
* Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA)
* Enzymes
* Intestinal detoxification: good colon cleansing products that contain high fiber
* Garlic, as fresh as possible
* Cayenne pepper

Homeopathic treatment for allergies

* Euphrasia (eyebright) 6X - In large doses, causes nonirritating watery nasal discharges and copious burning tears. It is used homeopathically for these symptoms. Those who benefit the most find their allergies are worse in open air, in the morning, and while lying down.
* Histaminum 12X - Micro doses of this substance are created by the body during an allergy attack. Small, homeopathic doses may help the body fight off the allergies.
* Sabadilla (cevadilla seed) 6X - Materia Medica indications include red eyes, pressure, dry nose, sneezing, hay fever, sore throat, and dry coughs.
* Sanquinaria Canadesis (Blood Root) 6X - Materia Medica indications include headache, pain in face, hay fever coryza, chronic rhinitis, dry burning throat, and cough.
* Thuja occidentatis (Arbor Vitae) 6X - Materia Medica indications of chronic sinusitis, headache, runny nose, greenish mucous, catarrh with puss.

The following nutrients have been formulated into Response a comprehensive formulation of nutrients designed to mitigate the impact of allergies.

Rich in bioflavonoids. Reduces allergic reactions.

* Anti-inflammatory activity.
* Reduces histamine release.
* Helps rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis and asthma.

Green Tea Extract (Theasinensis):
Green tea is rich in phytonutrients that help to ward off everyday cellular attacks. In Chinese medicine it is used to facilitate digestion and enhance mental function.

* Effective against many types of bacteria.
* Lowers risk of esophageal cancer.
* Helps to cut cholesterol.
* Helps regulate blood sugar.

Selenium (Amino Acid Chelate):
Selenium protects cell membranes and stimulates immune function.

* Increases B-cell antibody response.
* Enhances function of vitamin C.
* Essential to production of Coenzyme Q10.

Inhibits pro-inflammatory compounds. Assists in digestion of vegetable protein. Helps promote circulation and post-traumatic reabsorption of inflammatory by-products.
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