Apple Cider Vinegar supplement health benefit
Apple Cider Vinegar supplement health benefit
by Ray Sahelian, M.D.
Apple cider vinegar is made by crushing apples and squeezing out the liquid. The fermentation process begins by adding sugar and yeast. The yeast turns the sugars into alcohol. Later, the alcohol is converted by acetic acid-forming bacteria into vinegar. Acetic acid gives vinegar its sour taste.
Apple cider vinegar products are advertised in the popular press and over the Internet for treatment of a variety of conditions or various health benefits. However, I am not able to find human research regarding the health benefit of apple cider vinegar. At this time I cannot recommend an apple cider vinegar diet for weight loss since I have not seen any research to support the relationship between ingestion of apple cider vinegar and weight loss. However, even though there has not been much human research, it is possible that apple cider vinegar has health benefits that we are not aware of yet.
Apple cider has been touted for acne, candida, arthritis, skin health, hair, cholesterol, blood pressure, weight loss, yeast infections, and many other conditions... with little or no research to back these claims. If you have an interest in losing weight, consider an appetite suppression product that I have formulated called Diet Rx.
