Aromatherapy Remedies for Muscular Aches and Pains
We all suffer from muscular aches and pains which can make it very difficult for us to function effectively at home, work or study. Luckily mother nature has provide us a safe, effective and gentle naturalremedy for the relief of nagging pain and discomfort.
Discover five aromatherapy remedies for dealing with muscular aches and pains.
Aches and Pains after sport or gardening
Blend 3 drops of ginger essential oils and 4 drops of lavender essential oils. Pour that blends in a hot bath at night to ease pain and help sleep.
Muscular Stiffness
Blend 3 drops of black pepper essential oils, 3 drops of lavender essential oils and 4 drops of ginger essential oils with 20 ml (4 tablespoon) of sweet almond oil.
Apply 1/2 tablespoon of that blend to the affected areas twice a day.
Cramps due to overuse of muscles
Apply an ice cold compress of 4 drops of lavender essential oils. Do it twice daily until pain eases.
Backache: pain, stiffness and poor circulation
Blend 4 drops of bay essential oils, 4 drops of lemon essential oils, 2 drops of clove essential oils with 20 ml (4 tablespoon) sweet almond oil.
Massage the blend to the affected area twice daily to ease the stiffness.
Helping RSI
RSI is Repetitive Strain Injury, describes a condition that arises from repeatedly overusing the same group of muscles and joints. Habitual activities such as painting, typing, or carrying heavy bags can cause damage to the areas under strain, resulting RSI.
At the first sign of soreness and pain, rest your arm as much as possible, try not to massage the area but stroke it with anti inflammatory blend can help enormously. Try 2 drops of black pepper and 2 drops of rosemary blends with 30 ml of carrier oils.
