Arthritis-Fact And Fancy
Vinegar and Honey
A popular folk remedy for osteoarthritis is apple-cider vinegar and honey. Dr. D. C. Jarvis, who popularized this treatment, stated that it supplies potassium in a form that is usable by the body. In his experience, this potassium tends to correct the chemical imbalances causing, or at least aggravating, this type of arthritis.
Many of our patients have insisted that their condition has been improved by using cider vinegar and honey. I can't deny these assertions, though I don't think the acetic acid present in the vinegar is beneficial on a long-term basis.
I believe that much of the benefit attributed to this combination results from the acidity produced by the cider vinegar in some of the body tissues. It can be shown that calcium won't be deposited in an acid medium. Because the joints are normally acid in reaction, calcium should not be deposited there. Many authors have thus postulated that calcium can be deposited in arthritic joints because for some reason or other these joints have become alkaline in reaction. Therefore the improvements reported by those who use the vinegar-and-honey method may result from acidification of the articular areas by this combination.
We use another acid called orthophosphoric acid, which is extracted from wheat bran for this purpose. The advantage of orthophosphoric acid is that it is a food factor, natural to the body, and therefore is less toxic than cider vinegar.
Calcium and Arthritis
Most of my patients are completely confused about the relationship between calcium and osteoarthritis. Some authors insist that because osteoarthritis is a condition in which calcium is deposited in the joints, the patient has too much calcium and should avoid all foods containing it. Other authorities suggest that it is the mishandling of calcium by the body that causes the problem and that the osteoarthritic needs more calcium. These authorities recommend large amounts of bone meal to help the arthritic condition. There is some validity in both opinions, though the dogmatic and unknowledgeable following of either could lead to disastrous results.
Paradoxically, in osteoarthritis, the bones lose calcium at the same time it is being deposited in the joints, apparently because of an imbalance in the hormonal and enzymatic systems. Unless the management of these are taken into account, calcium can be injurious to osteo patients.
I don't recommend that people older than forty take bone meal, except when provided in a form that supplies the various enzyme factors necessary for its proper metabolism and assimilation. For most of these patients we suggest one of the alkaline calciums such as calcium lactate, calcium gluconate, or egg-shell compounds. If a bone-type calcium is desired, and often one with adequate enzymes can be useful in treating some cases of osteoarthritis, we suggest those that contain the necessary enzymes needed for calcium metabolism.
Diet and Arthritis
Many diets have been suggested over the years for osteoarthritis. In my experience the collagen diet given in the appendix of this book has proven the most useful for our patients. It isn't as restricted as most, but it does take a certain amount of diligence and resignation on the part of the patient to follow it correctly. If the patient is faithful, results are sure to follow, and it is a rare patient whose arthritis doesn't improve while on this diet.
If one of our patients does not fare well on the regular arthritis diet we may try to eliminate the night shade plants (peppers, tomatoes, egg plant and potatoes). This will often make dramatic improvement in those arthritic patients who are sensitive to these foods.
Diet and Fasting
One of the most successful forms of therapy used in our Centers for osteoarthritis is the water fast. Almost no other condition responds so well to the fast as does osteoarthritis, particularly if the patient happens to be one of those full fleshed persons so commonly afflicted with this disease. The loss of weight resulting from the fast usually proves most advantageous to their general health.
