Asthma Home Remedies
05-Aug-06 at 02:24 PM:
NAME: Irene Wright
COUNTRY_OF_REMEDY: American Indian
INSTRUCTIONS: My husband has had horrible asthma attacks all his life, it was only after speaking to an American Indian lady, I believe she said she was Cree, that he finally got some relief. She reccomended that he visit a health food store and purchase mullien and sage, we use a tea infuser and he basically drinks it once a day. He started doing this about ten years ago and from the very first day he started, he has used his inhaler (honestly) only once, and that was only after neglecting the tea for about three or four months. He swears by it!
Date: Friday, December 24, 2004
Time: 6:07 PM EST
Country of Remedy: United States
Ingredients: 1 Tablespoon Water
2 Tablespoons Fresh Lemon Juice
Instructions: Take lemon juice and water, do this every day and night 2 times.
Date: Tuesday, July 6, 2004
Time: 3:35 PM EST
Email address: Rachael Bourn
email address:
Country of Remedy: USA
Ingredients: 1 Chihuahua
Instructions: My family raises Chihuahuas. We have heard that having Chihuahuas around reduces the number and intensity of asthma attacks. Several people have bought Chihuahuas from us and later called saying that they hadn't had any attacks since they got the dog or that the attacks they did have were not as severe. I have heard that it is something in their dander. Most people have the Chihuahuas sleep with them at night.
Date: Friday, July 9, 2004
