Natural Remedies For Gout
Gout is caused by the formation of crystallized uric acid in the joints. People with gout are unable to properly excrete the uric acid that is in their body. This excessive uric acid can be caused by under performing kidneys, an increase in the production of uric acid by the body, or an increase in the consumption of foods that lead to an increase in uric acid levels. The most common gout symptom is a painful big toe, however, gout can also appear in the finger joints, elbows, ankles, wrists, ears or other areas of the foot.
Gout symptom:
A gout symptom can come on very suddenly and with no warnings. It is best to start treating gout immediately, or it can become more painful and lead to joint deformities. (Natural remedies for gout are discussed below). A typical gout symptom includes:
* Rapid severe pain in the big toe is the most common gout symptom.
* The affected joints can become very tender and swollen, and can feel warm.
* The skin on the joint turns reddish.
* Most painful attacks last a few hours to a few days. In rare cases, it can last weeks.
* Some people experience other illness symptoms such as fever or chills, and an increased heartbeat.
* The inflammation from the uric crystals can lead to bursitis.
