Natural remedies and Home remedies for Dark Circles Under Eyes
by Dr SavithaSuri
Tips for Dark eye Circles
How to get rid of dark circle under eyes is the question that arises in your mind when you are suffering from under eye dark circles. Here are solutions for under eye dark circles
1.Concealing the dark circles around eyes through make up techniques.
2.Avoiding use of bleach or peels to make the dark circles around eyes light.
3.Treat the cause of illness mentioned above.
4.Sleep for sufficiently long hours to prevent formation of dark circles under eyes.
5.Do not scratch the under eye skin.
6.Diet, which is rich in nutrients helps to remove dark circles around eyes.
7.Lightly tap the under eye skin with one or two fingers to
8.Increase the blood circulation.
Ayurveda treatment for dark circles under eyes
Accumulation of toxins in body cause dark circles.The ayurveda treatment for dark circle consists of two steps.
1.Body detoxification.
2.Skin rejuvenation .
Top Ten Home remedies for Dark circles under eye
1.Grate cucumber and squeeze fresh juice out of gratings. Dip two cotton balls in it and keep these cotton balls on eyes. This relaxes eyes and relieves tiredness of eyes. Considered as the best remedy for under eye dark circles.
2.The above process has been found to be effective when done using potato.
3.Apply a paste of lemon juice, tomato puree, orange lentil flour (masoor dal ) and turmeric powder (if you are not allergic to it) on under eye dark circles. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash it off.
4.Drink plenty of water (more than 15 glasses)
5.Eat fresh fruits, green vegetables which are rich in fiber.
6.Sleep well at least for 7-8 hrs daily.
7.Reduce stress levels by practicing yoga and meditation. Pranayama reduces dark circles and increases glow of skin.
8.Avoid sweets and chocolates.
9.Dip two cotton balls in rose water and place them on your eyes, covering dark circles.
10.Keep thin cold cucumber slices on eyes when your eyes are too tiered.
Dr.SavithaSuri has been an Ayurvedic Practitioner since 1989 and manages the website .
Her articles about ayurveda have been published in news papers and websites.Read more about dark circle remedy on
