Nearly everyone had been in a situation needing a natural remedy for toothache. That's why I made this pretty collection of well proved home remedies for tooth ache. I summarized all the well and lesser known old home remedies for tooth pain which bring toothache relief. I am sure you know: the best treatment is prevention, so take proper oral care!
Cause of Toothache
Dental caries (tooth decay): a small cavity in the protective enamel of the tooth can lead rapidly to tooth decay. If left untreated, the tooth beneath the enamel will begin to rot, it attacks the deeper structures of the tooth, causing toothache. When the process progresses the inner core (pulp) becomes affected and infected the tooth may die. In case of dental caries home remedies represent only first aid help, please organize a dental treatment!
* Abscess: an accumulation of pus in or around the root of a tooth is known as a tooth abscess, which can be agonizingly painful and may cause swelling (gum boil). Home remedies can help to burst the tooth abcess, disinfect and clean the surrounding area. Even then, a visit at the dentist is necessary to clarify the underlying cause of the abcessed tooth.
Learn more about the treatment of abcessed tooth.
Gingivitis (sore gums): inflammation of the gums, when the gums become purple-red, soft, shiny and sensitive and bleed easily especially when you clean your teeth. If gingivitis is left untreated, then pockets of infected pus can develop at the base of teeth, followed eventually by gum boils and loose teeth. Cure for gingivitis is extremly important. Home remedies for toothache may give a tremendous help, keeping gums healthy or healing gingivitis.
Diet tips and herbal cures for gingivitis
Teething: is the process when milk teeth erupt from the gums in young children. It can be very painful, gums are swollen and red. A similar situation occurs in young adults, when whisdom teeth erupt. Whisdom teeth may cause a lots of pain as well.
Radiation: pain radiates from a nearby structure resulting the feeling of toothache. The most important causes:
o sinus problems,
o trigeminal neuralgia etc.
Best is to clarify the situation with a specialist and tailor the treatment according to the underlying cause.
So, lets see now our valuable home remedies for tooth pain:
The best old home remedy is CLOVE (Syzygium aromaticum)
